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Western Wall, Kotel


The Fruit of Our Labor...

"For there is no good tree that produces bad fruit..." Luke 6:43

Hebrew letters art

Why Hebrew?

"Knowing a bit of Hebrew has given me great insight into Biblical culture and mind-set, and has expanded my understanding of Scripture."
~ Lise, Georgia, USA
"This method of learning allows the student to truly conceptualize the living language as never before."
~ Bill Reynolds, Owner operator
Atlanta Budokan Martial arts

"There is so much richness and depth that can only be seen in God’s Word through the original Biblical Hebrew. It’s amazing! Translations can be helpful but they are limited in what they can convey. Once you get to know the Hebrew language you will be able to see the depth and detail that can be found in each word."

~ Robin, florida, USA
"My Pure Lip instructor has a patient, loving way of simplifying the material to make it understandable." 
~ Penny, Georgia, USA
"My Pure Lip instructor's ability to be an effective Hebrew teacher lies in the fact that she is able to provide encouragement and gently push you to the next level."
~ Chris, Michigan, USA
Hebrew letters art

Why Pure Lip Hebrew?

"Pure Lip's instructor brought humor, laughter, and fun in learning the Hebrew language."
~ Jennifer, Georgia, USA
"My instructor mixed humor with history and about how our Messiah lived and worshipped…This class is well worth the fees."
~ Patricia, Age 76
"I tried learning Hebrew from other sources but was never successful until now.  I learned more from my first two classes with Pure Lip then the twenty I took from another source."
~ Mike, Iowa, USA
"The Pure Lip Hebrew course has been one of the most beneficial courses I've ever taken.  She thoroughly teaches the grammar and makes it very simple to understand and retain the knowledge.
~ Jenny, Washington , USA
"I started the 101 Hebrew course the year I turned 65 and I have retained more than I ever thought I would.  I am forever grateful!
~ Diane, Alabama  USA
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